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How Holo Tech Improves Movies & Helps HR

Imagine Actors auditioning in the exact Wardrobe and Settings of every scene that will appear in the finished film. Now, HR Directors, imagine a job candidate immersed in a real life workplace situation that draws out their true personality and capabilities.

It’s possible, practical, and best of all, profitable.

Casting a movie, which follows the same hiring protocols as any non-actor job, is a time consuming, subjective process. Bias and error exist in the casting room as it does in every human decision.

An actor who gives a bad audition wastes everyone’s time. If a Casting Director chooses the wrong actor, results will show in low box office returns from angry moviegoers. If an HR manager hires the wrong candidate, company money is wasted and other employees may end up with a pretty negative job experience. The best way to eliminate these rather torturous and costly processes would be to “preview” the performance of a potential Actor or Job Candidate in the same circumstances in which they will actually perform! Radical, right?

The Casting Director could see the Actor as the film audience would see it and the HR Director could observe the Job Candidate as they would actually behave in the workplace. The famous Star Trek Holodeck made us all fantasize about escape rooms while Jem and The Holograms revolutionized the idea of living an ordinary life as an heiress by day and a glamorous singer’s lifestyle by night all with holographic masking technology. The Google Oculus was a good start in terms of immersive albeit bulky VR immersion. Observers, however, cannot accurately ascertain what the user is doing (other than firing a laser gun).

Film companies would save time and money if Actors had to audition in a holoroom that instantly showed the movie setting including all props and other CGI actors while the Casting Director would simply have to sit back and watch (along with curious Film Execs). Likewise HR could, with the proverbial push of a button, immerse a candidate in the actual workspace environment with their holographic potential co-workers, saving hours of interview time. Finally, employees can know in advance if the new hire will steal their lunches if no one is looking. How cool is that? No one can deny how much time (which is money) this would save. Plus the coolness factor for the first-mover of this rather fantastic process is off the charts. Just as green-screen, blue-screen, and pink screen technology allows Editors to create an environment after filming has wrapped, holo technology gives the competitive edge ahead of time, weeding out less than the best. So what do you say? Computer. Begin Simulation.


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